flownative.social is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
This instance serves the Flownative team as connection to the Fediverse.

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In zwei Time Slots spricht Michael über AI Themen auf dem #barcamp … er hat eine Neos Erweiterung (CoBot) präsentiert, die sie entwickelt haben um Text und Bilder in Neos zu integrieren. Nun haben wir eine Diskussionsrunde über AI Tools in täglichen Development leben. #neoscms

With #NeosCMS 8.3.16 being released, I was able to tag v1.0 of my new plugin github.com/Sebobo/Shel.Neos.Or which allows you to manage orphaned nodes and either delete or adopt them back.

This plugin is fully built with #htmx (which required a bugfix in Neos to work fully in backend modules). So if you are interested in how to build modules with HTMX in Neos you should take a look.

Looking forward to feedback and ideas, as I’m also building the new workspace module for Neos 9 with the same approach

GitHubGitHub - Sebobo/Shel.Neos.Orphanage: A NeosCMS plugin providing a backend module that allows to remove or adopt orphaned nodes in the content repositoryA NeosCMS plugin providing a backend module that allows to remove or adopt orphaned nodes in the content repository - Sebobo/Shel.Neos.Orphanage